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Chris Garcia Peak and Matthew Reich Cock and Bull arts

Associate Artistic Director, Matthew Reich and Artistic Director Chris Garcia Peak - The Children of Nyx Recording

Ensemble member Eddy Karch rehearsing for Voolf - The Workshop at DCASE

Ensemble member Eddy Karch rehearsing for Voolf - The Workshop at DCASE

Cock and Bull are members of

Network of Ensemble Theatres

A national community of artists and organizations dedicated to collaborative creation, the Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET) works to propel ensemble theater practice to the forefront of culture and society.

Lecherous Honey by Megan Breen

Voyage workshop

Noah Lepawsky and Tuckie White, Workshop Voyage, Department of Cultural Affairs

Amazon Smile

A portion of proceeds from your Amazon purchases go towards Cock and Bull and Amazon donates to Cock And Bull Arts.